April 04, 2010

Camberwell Sunday Market (Day Off part1) 賺到一天假~

HaHa, got a day off from Rose Street Artists' Market today~~
Because there was another different theme activity (something about bikes + sneakers B-boy swapping...), no market for stallholders this Sunday...

SO, G and I had got our shit together this morning after last night's fun, interesting gathering +drinking (mainly G, tea and soft drink for Princess J, as u know~) with few friends in our lovely back yard.

attached some photos to prove it is lovely~~~

mm, back to shit, I mean, this morning.
After I'd got rid of some "crap" (you know, pooing.... that's right, even the princess does POO!!!), we headed off to Camberwell sunday market for trash and treasure!
Thanks hecks, G didn't ask me to read the map and to be the navigator to help us get there (he loves doing this just to stir me up >.<). Ahh~ such a good start! We must have a great day (with hope in mind  *.*).

Soon enough we arrived there and found a park (without getting lost on the way there, Hooray!!). After saying hello to our friend whose spot is right next to the entrance, the first thing for G was to buy "DONUTS">>>
See, G's so outstanding amongst those LITTLE KIDS!!

Then we started our hunting---
There are a lot of stands selling all sorts of shit, oops, I mean GOODS~~
This market is always one of the main sources of the materials for G's culinary jewellery.
Fisrt, let's say hi to one of G's main sources -stallholder John.  :)
(Guess which one is John..?)

Next move for the plan was G and Princess J split~
G'd gone for his sources, Princess J'd wondered around~~~
So J'd taken some interesting photos to share---

1. an innocent mouse (我是無辜的) 

2. a little tricycle (小小三輪車)

3. Sunbathing??? (日光浴嗎???)

4. Dinosaurs' skulls?? (恐龍頭骨嗎??)

5. Old Sewing machine (老縫紉機)

6. Old telephone (舊式電話)

7. Projector + typewriter (放映機 + 打字機)

Some of the goods sold there are interesting, some are amusing, some are intriguing, some are practical, some are workable (if you know how...), and of course, some are just boring~~~
Lucky if find some real shit!
Sorry if you only see things that are really just shit.....
Well, you know, it's trash or treasure  !_!

嘻嘻~ 賺到一天假!
因為Rose Street Artists' Market 玫瑰街藝術家市集今天有特別的活動,所以大家放假一天 :)

仍舊起了個早,準備整裝逛 Camberwell Sunday Market挖寶去.
迅速地解放"嗯嗯"之後, (公主也是人,又不是不食人間煙火,當然也會拉屎~~~)
此時內心暗想-- G會不會又來叫我看地圖當導盲犬<呃,是導航者>那招??
呼~ 幸好今天他沒搞這齣
<內心充滿希望>期待這將是美好的一天..  嗯!!

不久就到了 Camberwell sunday market.
買 DONUTS 甜甜炸麵糰
(因為他不是我們台灣印象中的甜甜圈-- 中間沒有洞, 但裡面有類似果醬的甜餡)
有圖証明~ 看看G在一群小朋友間,顯得多出眾啊!

先到John的攤位打個招呼,畢竟他是Greg Mann Jewellery 的貨源主供應商之一
(講得好像什麼怪怪交易似的.. 沒有啦! 就他有粉多紀念湯匙,刀叉之類的)


G去找貨買貨, 公主我則負責走馬看花,隨手拍拍~~~
以上分享的,就是一些公主個人覺得有趣的咚咚  :)


Camberwell sunday market記事一筆


4F said...

AH....I miss the yard...


1. That is a lovely back yard indeed!
2. Your writing makes me laugh because it sounds just like you.
3. That sun bathing head is absolutely creepy; other pictures are nice.

JM said...

1. To 4F-- I miss u guys in the yard~~
2. To 亞特米思 --
2-1. indeed, it's lovely, we get to see possums at night in the yard...
2-2. Good to know u think it sounds like me~~ cz someone thinks it sounds friendlier than me (in person, I guess..?)


Haha I guess我們不夠熟:P