October 29, 2010

Greg Mann Rings are really popular!!! G的戒指真的很熱門!!!

Yep! Greg Mann Rings (click to see some images ^^) are really popylar, especially at Rose Street Artists Market.
(Click the link to the online store of Rose Street Market's website and have a look! Some other Greg Mann Jewellery are available yet not the Rings... Sorry! Because we fit the rings for the customers on site and it's important to wear rings that fit well! ^^)

Some photos of customers with Greg Mann Rings~~~
They are sisters and brother from a family! :)




是ㄉ! Greg Mann 戒指 (按此連結有一些圖片可看 ^^)真的超熱門!
(按連結可看到其他Greg Mann 的飾品,
而帶著合尺寸的戒指是粉重要的! ^^)

幾張客人戴Greg Mann戒指的照片分享~~~
他們三個是來是同一家庭的兄妹喔!  :)


October 28, 2010

2010 September@Taiwan(2) 2010 九月@臺灣(2)

After a good sleep in the comfy hotel room (click if you are interested in it ^^), G and Princess J spent the next day looking around in Taipei!

After having breakfast with D, first G and J went to HuaShan 1914 Creative Park. (Click to have a read about the history and how this place became Taipei’s primary creative arts center.)

October 27, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Ear rings(3) 耳環(3)

It's been a whie since last time Princess J shared Greg Mann Jewellery...
Some Ear rings of same style to share with today~ ^^

今天分享一些同類型款式的耳環吧~ ^^


2010 September@Taiwan(1) 2010年九月@臺灣(1)

Busy Princess J has finally made the move to start sorting out some of the photos taken while back in Taiwan in September...

Let's start from the very beginning when we arrived in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Althoug feeling very tired after about 12 hours flight, my mood was actually excited and a bit... nervous(??) 
What caught G+J's eyes was the artwork on the wall in the entrance of one of the toilets...

October 20, 2010

New Discovery!!! 新發現!!!

Princess J's just discovered that there is another word which counts 100% if using the mode from last article.


That is--------------   

October 15, 2010

What's 100%? 有啥是百分百?

If.....  假使.....

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
I = 9
J = 10
K =11
L =12
U = 21
V = 22
W = 23
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26

Then......   那麼......

October 14, 2010

Where is Spring? 春天在哪裡?

Where is Spring???
I thought that Spring should be in Melbourne when I got back from Taiwan!
Then I waited...
Now what??? It's October already!!! 
What welcomed me back yesterday was the cold and wet Melbourne weather...
This is just not right...
Look at the flowers in our back yard!
Stop hiding, Spring!!!

別再躲了ㄛ 春天!!!

October 13, 2010


Well well well...
Princee J is back to her land again~~~
After being away in Taiwan for 20 days, being back in Melbourne for a short 10 days (which including 5 days with visitors came and stayed), then being away to South Australia for 6 days!!!
Finally I'm back home...
Oh yes, I'm sure some might say that Princess J's life's full of holidays! *.*
In a way, it is. Yet not exactly all right though...

I found it difficult for the mind to settle down... after spinning around~~~ 
Again, a short one for now...