April 16, 2010

忙碌的一週 a busy week~

Princess J hasn't been writing here~~
What has she been busy doing??

Here's the list____

星期一:  Monday:
一. 為G的作品拍照 <無止盡的拍~~>  (袖扣)
1. Took photos of G's work <endless photo taking~~>

二. 動腦筋構思並煮飯<不容易啊~ 常常變換菜色的家庭主婦們,公主我由衷地敬佩你們!>
2. Tried to plan what to cook <It's bloody not easy~~ Princess J admires those housewives who can invent all sorts of dishes!>
三. 燉人蔘茶
3. Made Ginseng Tea

四. 和G去看了一場電影-- 龍紋身的女孩 (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) <個人覺得是部好電影,雖然有些點蠻沉重,但有被平反,所以不會太黑暗>
4. Watched a movie with G-- "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" <I presonally think it was a good movie, though it's got some issues that were heavy... The positivity threaded through the whole movie, so it was not a dark movie to me~>

星期二:  Tuesday:
一. 裁了一些紙卡 
1. Cut some paper into little cards 
二. 蓋印章在紙卡上    
2. Stamped onto the cards 

三. 走路   
3. went for a walk 
四. 超市.蔬果店購物
4. Supermarket, Fruit and Vegie shopping
五. 動腦筋構思並煮飯<開始有搞不出花樣的感覺.....>   
5.  Tried to plan what to cook  <started feeling in lacking for ideas....>
六. 為G的動漫系列胸針作品拍照<革命尚未完成,公主仍須努力 T_T>
6. Took photos for G's Animated Jewellery- Brooches <ongoing process, keep going! Princess J>
七. 翻譯小朋友的作文<不得不說她國語作文寫得真不錯,我在她的年紀寫得有她好嗎?>
7. Translated a student's composition <I have to say that her Chinese writing is quite good! Wonder if I wrote as well as she does when I was young.....?>

星期三: Wednesday:
一. 為G的動漫系列胸針作品拍照 <到此我已拍了上千張有吧~ 感覺再多看幾眼那些奇奇怪怪五顏六色的假生物,公主就要不顧形象吐了吧 @_@>   
1. Took photos for G's Animated Jewellery- Brooches  <until now I've taken more than 1000 photos of those very weird looking fake creatures....   Princess J might throw up anytime if focuaing on those weird beasts a bit more...  @_@>
二. 將G完成的動漫系列胸針別到紙卡上   
2. put those Animated Brooches onto cards
三. 鬆土灑種子種花    
3. loosed the soil and planted the flower seeds
四. 花數小時為G的下一系列作品精心挑選合適的貝殼鈕釦   
4. spent hours sorting out the suitable shell buttons for G's next series work
五. 翻譯小朋友的作文 <她國語作文寫得真的很不錯,導致我無法一口氣翻完  @_@>
5. Translated a student's composition <Her writing, really, is not bad.. therefore I couldn't finish translating at a time....  @_@>
六. 走路亂晃加隨手亂拍   
6. went for a walk and took pictures

七. 到Thornbury拜訪朋友Mrsa  <有些她的畫作還蠻酷的>
7. went to visit our friend Mrsa who lives in Thornbury<Her paintings are quite cool!>

星期四:  Thursday:
一. 洗+曬了兩大ㄊㄨㄚ衣服.毛巾浴巾  
1. did two big loads of clothing washing 
二. 和G走路去銀行繳房租  
2. had a walk with G to the bank to pay the rent
三. 吃越南三明治當午餐 <YA!! 不用煮飯>  
3. ate Vietnamese Roll as lunch  <Hooray!! Princess J didn't have to cook>
四. 小逛了兩間慈善二手店(OP shops)
4. brief shopping at two OP shops
五. 趁G去店和人洽談,又逛了一個在Northcote半死不活感覺很怪的shoppinh centre
5. shopped in a "feels-like-half-dead" shopping centre in Northcote
六. 到Altona去買湯匙+看鳥/風頭鸚鵡 (Cockatoo)  <真不是蓋的,賣主家堆滿了一屋子各式各樣的收藏品(女主人收集了整整兩櫥櫃的青蛙的東西),還有兩隻風頭鸚鵡 + 幾缸的魚, 很有趣的一趟交易/拜訪>
6. went to Altona to buy spoons + saw two very beautiful cockatoos  <Bloody Hell!! Their house is very cool and full of heaps of "shits"! (The hostess has collected 2 cabinets of Frogs) Oh, and with two Cockatoos + several tanks of fish.... Crazy but very interesting!!>

七. 翻譯小朋友的作文 <終於接近尾聲..... 第一篇的>  
7. Translated a student's composition  <finally moving towards the end...  for the first one>

以上是公主本週忙碌生活的寫照~  謝謝收看  :)
So this is the report about what Princess J has been doing~  Thanx for reading :)

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