April 19, 2010

Kids with Greg Mann Jewellery 小孩也有飾品自主權


2個可愛小朋友獲得贈送一枚Greg Mann的小戒指的小故事______
G都會大方贈送一枚Greg Mann的小戒指,但須與G握手承諾會戴!)

可愛一:   James

當他們來到我們攤位    James的眼睛馬上被成堆的戒指吸引
他駐足在戒指堆前  認真地挑了起來 
他的媽媽算是很不錯   (不像有些家長不准小孩去碰)
但James很有自己的想法--    樣式和戴的角度都是

最後他終於挑好    但有一點點大
所以我就幫他把戒指改小    他就滿意地戴上了~

幫他照相時    他有點害羞~
我很喜歡他   不僅是因為他很可愛  
更因為從他的應對進退    我看到他的有禮貌和懂事!!
(不像有些小孩 一看就知道脾氣不好愛哭鬧 隨時想要人注意)
<但話說回來  這也不能全怪在小孩頭上 成長環境週遭人的教育和影響也事關重大......>

可愛二:   Ben

Ben出現在攤位前時    笑容燦爛地和G打招呼  (他之前就曾和G聊天過)
隨即話家常聊了起來    他問了一些和戒指有關的問題
於是我給他看了那些小點的戒指    問他戴戒指嗎?
他的回答很妙-- 他說" 嗯,但我只戴男生戒指(boy rings)!"
我給他看了我手上戴的   問他那算男生戒指嗎?
他馬上搖搖頭說-- "是女生戒指"  
接著他從口袋掏出幾個硬幣    表明他有自己的零用錢    
想買一個  <當然是男生戒指>
G要他挑一個他最喜歡的   幫他改size  
並說明不收他的錢    只要他答應會戴戒指    並讓我拍張照片
拍完照後 Ben帶著大大的笑容   
看他開心的模樣 我也跟著高興了起來~~

While I'm waiting for G to cook and serve dinner,
might as well write something~~

As usual, the weekend was our market days...
This time let me share two cute boys with you~~
Hey, don't you think too much, it's about two boys who were given Greg Mann rings!!
(Yep! that's part of our store rules---  rings are given to kids below 10 and claim they do wear jewellery. Also they have to shake hands with G to promise they'll wear the rings!)

Cutie 1:  James
James came to Rose Street Artists Market with his mum and dad.
When they came to our store, James was intrigged immediately by the big bunch of rings~
He stopped in front of the ring table and started to go through the rings~
James even tried on some of the rings (the ones that looked good/that he liked)
Lucky that his mum was nice to help him to choose the rings  :)
(not like some parents, they would just say" Don't touch!" to their kids....)
Yet James had his own thoughts about the style and how to wear a ring~

Finally he picked one, yet it was a bit bigger,
So I fixed it for him and he wore it with a satisfied smile!

When I took photos for him, he was a bit shy~~
I like him a lot! Not only because he is a cute boy,
but also I can tell he is a kid with good manners!
(not like some kids- they are just spoilt / naughty / want people's attention all the time....)
<However, can't blame those kids,
for considering their growing background and the people bring them up...>

Cutie 2:  Ben
Ben showed up at the store with a bright smile~
Soon he started talking to Greg (they had conversations before~)
He asked some questions about rings~
So I showed him those smaller rings and aksed if he wore rings?
His answer was very interesing-- "Yep, but I only wear "BOY rings!", he said.
I showed him the one I wore and asked, "so is this a boy ring?"
Ben said, "NAH~ it's a GIRL ring!".
<so rings have genders in Ben's world...>

Then he took out some coins from his pocket and showed that he'd have some pocket to spend for himself~  (to get a Boy ring of course!)
Greg aksed him to pick one he liked the most and changed the size to fit him well,
tell him that we wouldn't charge hime for the money, as long as he promise to wear it!
and to allow us to take photos of him wearing the ring~
Ben nodded with a bit of shyness~
After I took photos, Ben left with a BIG smile!
He waved us goodbye when they left the market~
Seeing his big bright smile made me happy too!

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