April 22, 2010

What a Princess!! 公主爽

What a pleasant day for Princess J!!
Except the moment when the alarm rang this morning...
(classic-- always don't want to get up when the alarm rings~~)

This morning Princess J went to Surrey Hills with G to deliver his work for "Canterbury Art Exhibition".

Most of the houses in that area look big and gorgeous~
(for rich people to live in...)
<Whenever I see good-looking houses, can't help myself but wanting to live in one of them... wish one day it will happen~~ just don't know how long will that day be....>

The weather was bloody way too beautiful to be like in Autumn.
The blue sky with the white clouds made the atmosphere of summer~
(Look at me, SHORTS!! that's for summer!!)
(看~ 短褲耶~ 分明是夏天的打扮)

After delivering the work, as usual, we went to an OP shop.
It is next to a church called "The Holy Trinity CHurch" in Kew.
We were lucky to bump into the 1 hour that the church is open to people for private praying (maybe?).

So we went in to have a look!

Do you know what I saw???!!!
It's something you don't get to see very often!!
(No, no, not Jesus lah~~)
It was a Pipe Organ!!
It was so huge that looks like it has to be built in~~
Someone was playing there~ ahh~ envy---
(I want to try to play it.....)

G made lunch after we got home~
Then I went surfing on the Internet for a while plus ate snacks in front of my computer... (Snacks are a MUST-- both sweet + savoury, with a cup of tea or coffee~~ mmm.....)

As my eyes were getting tired after a few hours in front of the computer, I went for a nap~ (maybe it was because I got up early??? 8am? early?)

G made me a cup of tea for me to go with the "Masterchef Australia" show on TV after I was awake~
with the snacks coming into my mouth again....
Meanwhile G had gone into the kitchen to prepare dinner, because he knew I'd be hungry soon. (He alwyas knows better than I do about this!!!)
Soon, here dinner came--- "rice in soup"
Gee, it was Fkn hot and spicy!!! (to a degree I felt like the spiciness had blown my brain up~~~)

Of course a cup of tea after meal~~
Ahh~ what can be better like a day like this??
I was well served exactly just like a princess! (oh, I am~)

You know what??
Yes, there was something even better___
G did the dishes as well (after he made two meals!)
He also wiped the dirty oily stove and turn it into shining white again!!
To the most, he even cleant the terrible dark space under the sink~ (I really don't know how many "dead bodies" would be dug out....)
<What's WRONG with G being so RIGHT????>

Anyway, it was REALLY a leisurable and pleasnat day for Princess J as a real princess! :)

爽! 今天過了這陣子以來最寫意悠閒的一日~~



(是一個地方藝術展之類的活動,叫Canterbury Art Exhibition)


在回程的路上照例要去逛個慈善二手店(OP shop)
(不是耶穌啦~ )

是Pipe Organ管風琴

回家之後 G就弄起了午餐
(吃零嘴是一定要的啦~ 而且鹹的甜的+茶或咖啡一起來)
然後覺得有點愛睏(可能因為早起?? 8am算早?好像還好....)

起床後 G泡了一杯茶給我 配我最近迷上的"Masterchef Australia"
G看我大概要餓了(不誇張- 他有時比我更知道我何時會"哭餓"!!)
就消失電視機前 弄晚餐去了~
不一會兒 熱騰騰的"湯飯"就端到我嘴邊來了~
吃完又熱又辣的湯飯(真的超極辣!! 吃到後來只覺得整個腦子都要辣傻了~~)

ㄚ~~ 真的很爽!
茶來伸手 飯來張口

有!! 我告訴你~


總之真的太爽了!!!! :)

1 comment:


nice legs :P
