March 25, 2010

A gift from MaMa 來自G媽媽的包裹

Someone knocked on the door yesterday afternoon while I was stamping cards (one of the tasks for the assistant...).  I opended the door-- no one there?? 
Then I saw a parcel on the ground next to the door (the postmen here have the ability to disappear very quickly after they knock on your door~~).
It was to Greg + Jamie, from C Mann (Greg's mum, he uses the term "MaMa").
I was curious about what was in it??  mmm~~~ G wasn't home yet...
Be patient! Princess J    *_*

Finally G got home from his boring part time job. (Usually he's not in a great mood after this  ><....)
Plus he forgot his mobile at home..
so he couldn't call the car service in the morning, like what he planned to do originally. To enable this, I even kicked him out of bed yesterday morning just to make sure he'd have enough time to call before starting to work.... 
Oh well, that's life-- Accidents always destroy your plans no matter how perfect the plan is!!!

Anyway, back to the parcel...
After several hours (you know, wait until G's not that grumpy is often the best choice at a moment like that), he was finally willing to entertain the idea of opening it. 
It's a bling bling frame with a photo of G + J on the left side and------
The right side is the poem of the reading that we asked MaMa to read for us on our wedding ceremony!!!

See, we both are smiling in the photo, ah~~ how cute!!

This is the reading~~

Here's the reading we chose for MaMa to read
  (we slightly changed a bit from the original one)

May the road rise to meet you
Traditional Irish blessing

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft on your fields.

May you have warm words on a cold evening,
A full moon on a dark night,
May the roof above you never fall in,
And the friends gathered below never fall out.

May you be poor in misfortunes, rich in blessings,
Slow to make enemies and quick to make friends,
But be rich or poor, quick or slow,
May you know nothing but happiness from this day on.

是一個給Jamie + Greg的包裹ㄝ, Greg媽媽寄來的
嗯..可是Greg還沒回到家.... *_*
(就算是公主,也要有耐心呀. 是美德.  嗯!)

終於Greg下班回家了~ (但他這種時候通常沒有絕妙好心情...)
加上那天(3/24)他竟把手機遺忘在家 @_@
結果>>>>>> 一切都是枉然 @_@


一首詩! 是那首我們結婚儀式時請G媽媽為我們唸的詩.

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