August 10, 2010

Conversation(3) 對話(3)

Part 1---

G: Do you want anything from the NQR (Not-Quite-Right shop)? I'll go and do some shopping after I finish work...
J: Yep, we need some honey.. and can you buy me some "Kit-Kat" chocolate if there's any and they are on sale...   Oh, and can you buy some "Spring" home...?
G: What??  "Spring"??
J: Yeah, it's bloody too cold and I'm sick of the winter....
G: Yeah, you tell me!! Good luck with that~~~

Part 2--

After coming home from work, G walked in with a grumpy face.....
J: What's up?
G: I've had enough of this F cold weather!!! I hate it~~~
J: Well, told you to buy some "Spring"...
G: Errrrrr..... I couldn't find any....
(J: pat pat G's head...)

p.s. The weather of Melbourne at the moment is just bloody too cold and wet....  It's been cloudy and rainy for several days...  Really, just like what G's mum said: "the cold weather makes people depressed...."   To some degree, it's TRUE!!!!!


1 comment:


pet pet...XD

Those are really cute conversations. I talk to a friend about buying time sometimes, and we haven't found any, either.

Cheer up!! Think of......Taiwan, maybe!