June 24, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Tutti Frutti 什錦蔬果項鍊

Fruit and Vegies are good for us!!!
Here you go!
Some Fruit & Vegies to share with you~~
Which is your favourite?

1. Cucumber 黃瓜

2. Pear 梨子

3. Pineapple 鳳梨

4. Strawberry 草莓
5. Lemon 檸檬
6. Lettuce 萵苣

7. Carrot 蘿蔔
8. Pomegranate 石榴
9. Peach 桃子
10. Banana 香蕉
11. Capsicum 紅椒
12. Eggplant 茄子

13. Cherry 櫻桃

Tutti Frutti 大合照

I personally would like to wear #6 the lettuce~~
Yet I like the way #9 the peach is presented!!
And I think #7 the carrot is bloody crazy~~

#12-- I can't help myself but think of KT....
#3-- reminds me of Abby....

Isn't that interesting that people are "afraid"(hate?) of some thing....?






JM said...

so if we have the party on that weekend (9/11 or 9/12), you'll be able to attend?

Z said...

I knew it. I knew there is one for KT. ^^ and I like the carrot one. How and where can G find some many toy vegetables?

JM said...

HAHA~~ Hope KT won't hit me when we go back to TW ^^
G found them from OP (opportunity) shops~