I've wanted to post some photos of brooches for quite a while... Just that my skill of taking photos of G's work is still not good enough... So only few brocches to share this time :)
I personally love this Greg Mann animated jewellery series a lot! Not only because they are quirky but also the fact that they bring smiles on people's faces due to the idea and the funny looks. :)
Yep!! ODD!!! Odd ear rings~~~ Each single pair originally was 1 spoon~ Greg made them into pairs of ear rings :) (always try to recycle as much as possible ^^)
Ahh~~~ Princess J's feeling a bit tired at the moment.... Also I don't like the fact that day time being shorter in winter in Melbourne.... When the sun goes down, the day's gone....
She is one of her parents' princesses, just like every girl to their parents... + she is also the princess to her beloved Mann...
藉此訓練自己打字功力,維持生活齒輪積極持續運轉,經由部落格和大家分享.有空請常來逛逛我的部落格 :)