During this week, the feeling of being tired overwhelmed Princess J several times... Not that I've got extra work to do nor big things happening at all~~
Finally I've done the copy of the CD for Neil's son, Atlas' Baptism! Because I went crazy taking hundreds of photos on that day (2010/05/16), I had to go through them to only keep the clear enough ones (some of the photos were taken badly...).
__________________________ at 21:49pm Fri, May 21st
Well well, finally I'm sitting down and getting back to this..
This Wednesday I finally went to visit at the shop where G's part-time work is. It was not a sunny day and was a bit cold~ I had a bit of walk along the street then sat down to have a ginger beer and wait for G to finish. Because we were going to an exhibition in Port Melbourne.
P.S. Princess J's English version and Chinese version don't always match perfectly! Especially this one, they are not translated word by word at all~~ 註:公主的英文版和中文版是屬於隨性翻譯法---也就是說,並非採取逐字逐句翻譯法~~ 尤其是這篇,相近度約在68%左右而已~~~
Oh yes, we are cool! That's why we are at Rose Street Artists Market~
To be honest, getting up VERY early in the morning is never a style for Princess J...
She is one of her parents' princesses, just like every girl to their parents... + she is also the princess to her beloved Mann...
藉此訓練自己打字功力,維持生活齒輪積極持續運轉,經由部落格和大家分享.有空請常來逛逛我的部落格 :)