November 04, 2010


Well, let J+G salute a glass of wine to thank you for supporing this blog and make it the perfect ending for Princess J's endeavours to all the times working on this blog~~~

I've decided not to work with this one anymore!
Due to the stupidity of the way it deals with the photo uploading and also some other bits, I surrender my utilization of this blog~~~

Should you have any questions, please
1. Go to this one--- 
2. Email Princess J

Thank you for your cooperation.  ^^

好吧~ 公主和G敬各位一杯

(證據:1.此篇的Spoonbill  2.此篇的捷運站+松鼠爬樹)

若有任何疑問, 請移駕~
1. 公主的痞客部落格- 
2. "一昧兒"公主

謝謝合作 ^^



2010 September@Taiwan(4) 2010九月@臺灣(4)

Sometimes I feel like that writing my blog is doing homework~~~
Once that I've started a topic, I should finish it~~~
(To be hones, this is still in Day 2 in Taiwan...)
一旦開始了一個題目 就覺得要有始有終把它寫完~~~
(老實說 寫到這篇 還仍然在抵台第二天...)

So, after delicious seafood for lunch, G and Princess J walked to take MRT (Mass Raid Transit) to the Confucius Temple and Bao-An Temple. 

just how I feel... 純粹有感而發...


November 02, 2010

2010 September@Taiwan(3) 2010 九月@臺灣(3)

Okay, back to the trip in Taiwan~~~

After G and Princess J went to "HuaShan 1914 Creative Park", we both were very hungry!!! So we decided to find somewhere around there to feed our tummies..
We had a bit of walk and saw a restaurant that serves SEAFOOD from PengHu~~ Mmm... That caught Princess J's attention! After explaining to G, we decided to give it try.^^ (plus we were starving at that time...)

a Weird Dream...

I had a very weird dream last night...

October 29, 2010

Greg Mann Rings are really popular!!! G的戒指真的很熱門!!!

Yep! Greg Mann Rings (click to see some images ^^) are really popylar, especially at Rose Street Artists Market.
(Click the link to the online store of Rose Street Market's website and have a look! Some other Greg Mann Jewellery are available yet not the Rings... Sorry! Because we fit the rings for the customers on site and it's important to wear rings that fit well! ^^)

Some photos of customers with Greg Mann Rings~~~
They are sisters and brother from a family! :)




是ㄉ! Greg Mann 戒指 (按此連結有一些圖片可看 ^^)真的超熱門!
(按連結可看到其他Greg Mann 的飾品,
而帶著合尺寸的戒指是粉重要的! ^^)

幾張客人戴Greg Mann戒指的照片分享~~~
他們三個是來是同一家庭的兄妹喔!  :)


October 28, 2010

2010 September@Taiwan(2) 2010 九月@臺灣(2)

After a good sleep in the comfy hotel room (click if you are interested in it ^^), G and Princess J spent the next day looking around in Taipei!

After having breakfast with D, first G and J went to HuaShan 1914 Creative Park. (Click to have a read about the history and how this place became Taipei’s primary creative arts center.)

October 27, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Ear rings(3) 耳環(3)

It's been a whie since last time Princess J shared Greg Mann Jewellery...
Some Ear rings of same style to share with today~ ^^

今天分享一些同類型款式的耳環吧~ ^^


2010 September@Taiwan(1) 2010年九月@臺灣(1)

Busy Princess J has finally made the move to start sorting out some of the photos taken while back in Taiwan in September...

Let's start from the very beginning when we arrived in Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. Althoug feeling very tired after about 12 hours flight, my mood was actually excited and a bit... nervous(??) 
What caught G+J's eyes was the artwork on the wall in the entrance of one of the toilets...

October 20, 2010

New Discovery!!! 新發現!!!

Princess J's just discovered that there is another word which counts 100% if using the mode from last article.


That is--------------   

October 15, 2010

What's 100%? 有啥是百分百?

If.....  假使.....

A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
I = 9
J = 10
K =11
L =12
U = 21
V = 22
W = 23
X = 24
Y = 25
Z = 26

Then......   那麼......

October 14, 2010

Where is Spring? 春天在哪裡?

Where is Spring???
I thought that Spring should be in Melbourne when I got back from Taiwan!
Then I waited...
Now what??? It's October already!!! 
What welcomed me back yesterday was the cold and wet Melbourne weather...
This is just not right...
Look at the flowers in our back yard!
Stop hiding, Spring!!!

別再躲了ㄛ 春天!!!

October 13, 2010


Well well well...
Princee J is back to her land again~~~
After being away in Taiwan for 20 days, being back in Melbourne for a short 10 days (which including 5 days with visitors came and stayed), then being away to South Australia for 6 days!!!
Finally I'm back home...
Oh yes, I'm sure some might say that Princess J's life's full of holidays! *.*
In a way, it is. Yet not exactly all right though...

I found it difficult for the mind to settle down... after spinning around~~~ 
Again, a short one for now...

September 28, 2010

Back Down Under~ 回到南半球~

Yep! Princess J's back HOME in Melbourne Down Under from lovely Taiwan!!!
Time's just never enough! Too short to do all the things and to visit all the places in Taiwan~~~
Hopefully next time G + J will have a longer holiday to look around and catch up with friends back in Taiwan!

will slowly report the trip back in Taiwan...
Just a short one for now ^^

是ㄉ! 公主我又從可愛的台灣回到南半球墨爾本的家ㄌ!!!
時間根本不夠用! 都來不及好好四處走走看看愛台灣~~~

寫個短的先 ^^

p.s 今天教師節
辛苦啦~~~~ 對自己好一點喔!!

September 03, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Fork Rings 叉子戒指篇

Since that forks rings + 2- finger rings have been so popular at the market,
thought I'd share some photos.  ^^


就分享幾張照片囉 ^^




September 02, 2010

So good to be a kid! 當小孩真好!

When did we start to think about being a kid again?

When we realised that we're not kids anymore...
When we started to feel the burdens on our shoulders...
When we see kids playing around without worries and then realise how much we envy them...

September 01, 2010

Little Happiness(5) 小小的幸福(5)

Although winter in Melbourne has become annoying,
(because it's has been here for TOO LONG~~~~)
still I found some prettiness around us.  ^^

August 31, 2010

Happy Birthday ^^ 生日快樂 ^^ (G)

Happy Birthday to G!!!
As about how old he is....
I'm not gonna tell you....
(Ask him yourself bah~~~)

August 24, 2010

KFC 之新註解

Warning: this is not suitable for kids and whoever is not used to swearing.....

August 23, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Animated Animal Brooches(3) 動物篇(3)

Well, let me get this done~~
The animals that G cut them and only used 1/4 of the whole body....

(真的! 各位動物們你們貢獻真偉大!!!)


August 21, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Brooches 胸針

I've wanted to post some photos of brooches for quite a while...
Just that my skill of taking photos of G's work is still not good enough...
So only few brocches to share this time  :)



August 20, 2010

Winter please Go away!

I'm sick of this bloody cold weather!
It's been bloody too long!
I've had enough of it!

Winter Winter Go away!
Spring Spring Come Come Come!

(sure you can tell how Winter's tortured Princess J and has driven her CRAZY~~~~~~~~~~~)


August 19, 2010



忘了嗎? 都忘了嗎?



August 17, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Animated Animal Brooches(2) 動物篇(2)

These are the animals that G cut them in half....

August 16, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Animated Animal Brooches (1) 動物篇(1)

Greg Mann Animated Jewellery- Animal Brooches~~

These one are the animals with "full" bodies~~~

August 11, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Animated "Birds" Rings 鳥類篇

I personally love this Greg Mann animated jewellery series a lot! Not only because they are quirky but also the fact that they bring smiles on people's faces due to the idea and the funny looks.  :)

Today's theme is "Birds" Rings~~~

總是帶給看的人歡笑  :)



August 10, 2010

Conversation(3) 對話(3)

Part 1---

G: Do you want anything from the NQR (Not-Quite-Right shop)? I'll go and do some shopping after I finish work...

August 09, 2010

Stupid.... 蠢....

So I really have to say it was damn stupid that none of the websites could be opened last night....
No matter how hard I tried...
(the signal of Internet showed that it was connected  ><)

August 05, 2010

喃喃的雜音... murmuring...

(別往"陰森"裡去了...  不是那麼回事啦 )

August 03, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Odd Ear rings(2) 不一樣的耳環(2)

Yep!! ODD!!!
Odd ear rings~~~
Each single pair originally was 1 spoon~
Greg made them into pairs of ear rings :)
(always try to recycle as much as possible ^^)

是ㄉ!! 奇喔!!! 
Greg 把它們變成了一對對不成對的耳環  :)
(總是試圖作最佳的再生利用給予新生命 ^^)


August 02, 2010

Who's the King?? 真正的國王??

Last Thursday G and Princess J went to Neil and Thalia's for lunch.
When we arrived, Atalas was still sleeping. (One thing that makes me want to be a baby- sleep, eat, sleep, eat, .....)
So we had a look at Neil's BIG studio (G's jealous of how big the space is!!!), and had a bit of chat. 

Time flees.... 時間奔逃....

Ahh~~~  Princess J's feeling a bit tired at the moment....
Also I don't like the fact that day time being shorter in winter in Melbourne....
When the sun goes down, the day's gone....

July 28, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Bronze Pendants 青銅色系列墜鍊

Yep, more Greg Mann Jewellery!
This series is "Bronze Pendants"_______

是ㄉ! G Mann 作品分享又來囉!


July 23, 2010

Little Happiness(4) 小小的幸福(4)

I just want to say how nice that is to have an electric blanket to sleep with in such a bloody COLD winter in Melbourne! Every night before going to bed, turn the blanket on to let it warm; then later on, dive in the nice toasty bed!!! Ahh~~ it makes life in winter here so so much better!!!  :)

Melbourne- St Kilda 墨爾本- 聖基爾

July 4th 2010,Sunday, sunny as well I guess....

Ahh~~ finally down to the end of this big part....
Sunday morning we went to Camberwell Market. After some shopping for goods G left to Rose Street Market. P and I looked around a bit longer and of course did some shopping. Then we took the train back to the city to catch the tram to St Kilda.

July 22, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Dual Pendants 雙扣環墬鍊

Well well, haven't done this for a while....
Princess J has been busy catching up with those days as a host/ tour guide/ company....

Here they are- some Dual Pendants from Greg Mann Jewellery______






July 21, 2010

Dinner @ Stalactites on Lonsdale Street 鐘乳石希臘餐廳吃晚餐

July 3rd 2010, Saturday, sunny I guess...

So after several days Princess J being the first one getting up in the house, Friday (July 2nd) was my day off. I decided not to go to Great Ocean Road with P. For one that G and I have been driving along the coast twice before, also I needed a day for myself after being intensively active... (I know I'm getting old~~~) Yet actually I was still the one who got up very early cz I had to wake P up to make sure she was on time for the tour to Great Ocean Road..

July 20, 2010

July 16, 2010

Healesville Sanctuary- more animals 更多動物

July 1st 2010, Thursday, sunny

So after playing a bit with the alpacas, we then headed to Healesville Sanctuary. As we arrived, there was a show - Birds of Prey, about to start. So we did that first, then moved on to other animals.

July 15, 2010

Alpacas @ Healesville 羊駝耶!!!!

July 1st 2010, Thursday, sunny

Finally catching up to the trips in the beginning of July.....
Thursday G drove us (P + J) to Healesville. We did some OP shops first on the main street in town. Then we made a move to Healesville Sanctuary. On the way to the Sanctuary, we saw some alpacas!!!! Of course we had to stop to say hello to them, because alpacas are Princess J's favourite animal. They just look so cute, tame and funny, exactly like Princess J!!!  ^^ HAHAHA~~~~~~~

July 14, 2010

Day Trip to Penguin Parade @ Phillip Island 看小企鵝回家之一日遊

June 30th 2010, Wednesday, sunny & not so cold

Another day for us not having to get up so early, because the tour to see penguins departed at 1.15pm. We arrived in the city a bit earlier than the departure time, so took few photos at Federation Square while having a cup of coffee.
(left: Eureka Tower, right: Flinders Street Station)
(St Pauls Cathedral)

July 13, 2010

Melbourne- Queen Victoria Market, Southern Cross Station, St Patricks Cathedral, Shot Tower + Dineer @ Waterfront City Docklands 還是墨爾本...

June 29th 2010, Tuesday, cold & windy

P and I made it to Queen Victoria market in the morning. It took us hours to have a look around the whole market, it's so big (it's said that it's the biggest market in the southern hemisphere) and so many to look at~~

(Aussie Deli)

July 07, 2010

Melbourne- Sydney Road+ Kangaroo meat for dinner 墨爾本-希尼路+袋鼠肉晚餐

June 28th 2010, Monday, cold yet not rainy

After two days getting up very early on the weekend, Monday was a day for P to sleep in. So after very relaxing brunch at home, P and I took Tram 19 along Sydney Road up to Coburg to get my Medicare thingy done first.

Melbourne- along Swanston Street 墨爾本-Swanston街道

June 26th 2010, Saturday, a bit of sun

The second day of friend P's stay, after G arrived at Rose Street Market, we headed into the city and had a bit of walk along Swanston Street. Again I discovered some new views that I'd not noticed before.Share some photos Princess J took with you~~  ^^

July 06, 2010

Two lovely girls with Greg Mann Jewellery 兩個可愛的小女孩

Last weekend at Rose Street Market, two cute girls, Jade and Matilda, came back to visit us. They got two Greg Mann rings from me two weeks ago (on June 26th). As usual, they shook hands with me to promise they'd wear the rings after I adjusted the size of the rings for them.

I'm back to normal daily life~ 回到日常生活了~

Ahh~~ after several days being away from typing my blog, I'm back to my normal daily life...

June 24, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- Tutti Frutti 什錦蔬果項鍊

Fruit and Vegies are good for us!!!
Here you go!
Some Fruit & Vegies to share with you~~
Which is your favourite?

June 23, 2010

June 21, 2010

First Korean food in Melbourne 第一次韓式料理@墨爾本

June 1st 2010, Tuesday, Sunny

Finally arranged a lunch date with Darunee, a cute funny Thai girl from my Monash tourism class!
We had not seen each other since last time she came to G+J's wedding party (which was January 28th...), ahh, such a long time~~

Insects' world 昆蟲世界之殘酷舞台

Recently in a sunny morning, two wasps in our backyard attracted Princess J's eyes!!!
Because they were actually "linked" together.... in a "sexual" way, I think...  **
However, as having very little understanding of wasps, Princess J thought the way those two wasps linked together was a bit weird~~~  with one of them being upside down and being dragged by the other one (attacker??) while "acting"!!???

June 16, 2010

The ceiling FELL!!! 天花板掉下來一大片!!!

The ceiling of the hallway in the house we live in now FELL this evening!!!!
Right after our housemate left the house, I heard a HUGE "Bang" while I was sitting in front of my laptop...
First I thought that it could be something, maybe the shelf on the hallway that fell, yet that was weird...
So I walked out of the lounge room-----

Dragon Boat Festival 端午節

It is Dragon Boat Festival today (lunar calendar)!
No dragons nor boats for Princess J.....
All I want is to eat HOMEMADE rice dumplings!!!!

June 14, 2010

Holly's visit 羅小呆來訪

May 28th 2010, Friday, sunny day

Holly, who was my kids class student a LONG LONG time ago, now an adult already, came down to Melbourne before heading back to Taiwan.

June 10, 2010

YEAH!! Got my TR!!! 喲賀!!! 下來了!!!

Our agent called me tonight and told me that the immigration office have just granted my temporary residency!!!

喲賀!!!  喲賀!!!

June 06, 2010

June 02, 2010

Little Happiness(2) 小小的幸福(2)

Princess J is happy that she's got eyes to see the world~~
Although my eyes are not extra pretty nor big, they are good enough for me to discover the prettiness around me. ^^

Yes! We love it~ 嗯! 我們超愛的啦~

"Oh yes, we love it!"

June 01, 2010

First Fire in winter Down Under!! 南半球冬天星空下第一次的熊熊烈火!!

Princess J had never experienced having a fire in winter in a house!
(The weather is SO GOOD in Taiwan, where Princess J grew up, that we didn't really have the chance to do that~~ Also most of the houses do not have a fire place.. very different style buildings due to different climate and cultural background~)

It's COLD in WINTER in Melbourne!
During the night or early in the morning, the temperature can drop down to less than 10 degrees.. @_@

Greg Mann Animated Jewellery- Insects 昆蟲篇

Hey Hey~
This time I'm going to share some "little things" that some people might feel/think they are disgusting... (Well, when I see them alive, most of them DO disgust me!! ><)

May 31, 2010

sometimes shitty things just happen@_@ 意料之外來光顧@_@

Sometimes shitty things just happen no matter you are prepared for them or not~
That's part of life I guess....
Who would have thought that our car broke down again!!??

May 28, 2010

weary~~ 疲弱~~

During this week, the feeling of being tired overwhelmed Princess J several times...
Not that I've got extra work to do nor big things happening at all~~

May 25, 2010

Conversation(2) 對話(2)

G: Can I have a couple of yogurt please?
J: Hoooooo~ It's cold... why don't you go and get it yourself?

May 24, 2010

Baptism 受洗典禮

Finally I've done the copy of the CD for Neil's son, Atlas' Baptism! Because I went crazy taking hundreds of photos on that day (2010/05/16), I had to go through them to only keep the clear enough ones (some of the photos were taken badly...).           
__________________________ at 21:49pm Fri, May 21st

Well well, finally I'm sitting down and getting back to this..

May 22, 2010

Hot Air Balloons 熱氣球

This is a short one but I really have to post it!
This morning I saw 2 hot air balloons right above our back yard in the sky!!!

May 18, 2010

Uncertainty 未知的未知

Uncertainty lies in front of you on the path through the future~

May 17, 2010

May 14, 2010

first visit.. 第一次探班

This Wednesday I finally went to visit at the shop where G's part-time work is. It was not a sunny day and was a bit cold~ I had a bit of walk along the street then sat down to have a ginger beer and wait for G to finish. Because we were going to an exhibition in Port Melbourne.

May 11, 2010

We are Cool~ 酷酷人~

P.S. Princess J's English version and Chinese version don't always match perfectly! Especially this one, they are not translated word by word at all~~
註:公主的英文版和中文版是屬於隨性翻譯法---也就是說,並非採取逐字逐句翻譯法~~ 尤其是這篇,相近度約在68%左右而已~~~
Oh yes, we are cool! That's why we are at Rose Street Artists Market~
To be honest, getting up VERY early in the morning is never a style for Princess J...

The sky in Taichung 台中的天空



May 10, 2010

Steak Sandwich 牛排三明治

This is really delicious!
Steak sandwiches @ Danny's Burgers are one of the best sandwiches Princess J's ever had!!

May 08, 2010

May 07, 2010

Blue Sky White Clouds 藍天白雲


NMIT Fundraising Jewellery Auction 學生作品慈善拍賣會

May 06, 2010

being lazy... 偷懶...



May 05, 2010

Smiles 微笑

It's always a good reward to see people smile when they get the Greg Mann Jewellery they want!

April 28, 2010

Greg Mann Jewellery- some Multiple Neckpieces 項鍊

G為Canterbury Art Exhibition 製作的其中一些項鍊
Greg Mann Jewellery- Multiple Neckpieces


April 27, 2010

Save v.s Delete 存檔 v.s 刪除


